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28 | TEACHING STUDIO SPOTLIGHT: Nicola Cantan and the 30-Day Music Teaching Studio Refresh

January 10, 2017

Happy New Year! Are you looking for some New Year Inspiration? In this podcast, we talk with Nicola Cantan. Nicola is a piano teacher, resource creator, and music teaching blogger from Dublin, Ireland. Although she teaches piano, Nicola does quite a bit of (sight) singing with her students in her lesson studio. (The reason for this is quite surprising!) She is the creator of the 30-Day Music Teaching Studio Refresh Challenge on her Colourful Keys Blog.


January can be a tough month to stay motivated, energized and inspired in your teaching business. Depending on where you are it’s probably cold, dark and just a bit…blah

This year that’s going to change. This year January is going to be fun, challenging and refreshing. That’s because you are cordially invited to participate in the 30 Day Studio Refresh in January 2017.


Each day from January 2nd to January 31st I’ll send you a little challenge. The daily challenges will be varied but will all go towards creating a better teaching life and business for 2017. There will be business tasks, playing challenges and teaching ideas. (You can sign up and start anytime this month)

Don’t worry if you won’t be able to do absolutely every daily task. You should still sign up and participate whenever you can.

Sign Up for the 30-Day Music Teaching Studio REFRESH

About Nicola:
Nicola Cantan is a piano teacher, blogger, and creator of teaching resources. She loves getting piano students learning through laughter, and exploring the diverse world of music making; through improvisation, composition, and games. You can find lots of creative teaching freebies and ideas on her blog at www.colourfulkeys.ie/blog.