Songs and Studies for Kids! Introductory A (Backing Tracks)

Add more excitement to lessons and performances

Support in-lesson and at-home practice with these mp3 backing tracks for Songs and Studies for Kids! Introductory A.

This download includes:

  • backing tracks for Songs and Studies for Kids! Introductory A in mp3 format
  • a license to share performances using these backing tracks on social media


Perfect for rehearsals and performance

Piano accompaniment, and more! Melody guide tracks give support for at-home practice, and BONUS band tracks make performances exciting. Using backing tracks in the lesson allows teachers to interact with and guide students as they sing.

These professionally mixed and mastered backing tracks for Songs and Studies for Kids! Introductory A include:

  • Nine piano accompaniment tracks (including Turtle Vactions at three different tempos!)
  • Seven melody guide tracks to assist students singing at home
  • Six BONUS band tracks for exciting performances!

PDF Download and Print Book available separately.

About these backing tracks:

Downloadable mp3 backing tracks only, sheet music sold separately.

Download available immediately after purchase.

This book is available as:

Print Book

PDF Download

Backing Tracks ⭐ current product

Sample Pages

These backing tracks are downloaded as digital mp3 files.

  • These backing tracks may be shared with students for at-home practice and used for performance.
  • Performances using these backing tracks may be shared on social media, with credit to the composer and FULL VOICE Music.

When you purchase our music, you agree to abide by our music licensing terms and conditions. FULL VOICE Music is committed to supporting voice teachers with excellent resources while also fairly compensating living composers.

  • I have been using Full Voice resources with my junior primary students for the past couple of years and they absolutely LOVE it! A 7 year old student of mine with ASD has been excelling in his lessons lately. He learnt solfege using the flashcards, alongside the workbook and has been loving his Sight Singing Superhero exercises. I recently gave him Do Do Donuts to look at and he used everything he has learnt to sight sing the piece to me; he clapped out the rhythm, used solfege to work out the melody, put them together and added the lyrics, and sang it perfectly for me the first time!

  • I started using the songs and studies intro a book for one of my students with ADHD and dyslexia. He LOVES space cats! It took a while for him to do the correct rhythm for ‘billions’ of stars since he wanted to do 3 full syllables. When I taught him how to pronounce it, we compared it to the pronunciation of “onion”. Now, we talk about “onion stars” all the time 😀 he also loves the space sounds at the end and orbits in circles until it ends. He has grown so much and loves to practice space cats with perfect pitch and rhythm!

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