FULL VOICE Student Workbook – Level Two

Solidify elementary music concepts with exercises specially designed for singers.

For students of any age who have completed Level One or are confident counting eighth notes and sight singing in C Major.


Level Two introduces:

  • the chromatic scale
  • singing minor triads
  • dotted quarter notes
  • ledger lines in treble clef
  • sight singing in F major and G Major

Every FULL VOICE Workbook Includes:

  • 20 Lessons and four graded reviews
  • Technical Exercises
  • Sol-fa/Solfège Exercises
  • Ear Training
  • Rhythm Reading
  • Sight Singing
  • Music Theory
  • Performance Assessments

Compare all four workbook levels

About this book:

56 pages, 8.5×11”, Third Edition

This book is shipped to your address (shipping fees determined at checkout). It does not include a license for making copies.

Weight 0.2 kg
Dimensions 8.5 × 0.25 × 11 cm

Print Books do not include a reproducible license.

  • Photocopying and distributing the material is not allowed.
  • If you choose to use our Print Book resources, it is understood that your students will have their own purchased copy of these materials.
  • This applies to any FULL VOICE Music print product purchased on our website or through any third-party retailer.
  • The pricing of Print Books reflects purchase and use by one person only.

When you purchase our music, you agree to abide by our music licensing terms and conditions. FULL VOICE Music is committed to supporting voice teachers with excellent resources while also fairly compensating living composers.

  • I cannot speak highly enough of The Full Voice. I first started looking for a theory program for my singers, and when I found the workbooks I was amazed. I LOVE that they incorporate sight reading, ear training, and valuable information for singers. My students LOVE working on theory and don’t hate the homework I give them because it’s fun and compact.

  • The music conservatory I work with in Colorado has jumped on the bandwagon full force – we are purchasing the workbooks and are implementing The Full Voice as our main method for young singers. Since we have ‘announced this’ we’ve had two more kiddos sign up for lessons… Thank you so so much for all the work you have done!!!!! Amazing!

  • I was so touched this past week when one of my students brought in a song she had written using the skills she learned from the Full Voice Workbooks. It was a proud teacher moment for sure!

  • My students are learning so much using the Full Voice Workbooks. Your books fulfill a need that wasn’t there when I started teaching voice more than 25 years ago. In addition, my younger students adore all the songs from your website. ‘Be Kind’ is a new favorite! Also, your podcast is terrific! I always learn something that I can use in my Studio!

  • I have been teaching from these books for 3 years now. Excellent teaching and learning ability incorporated into these books. The methods teach both voice and the basics of music theory and get the students wanting to learn. I have officially incorporated these books (all levels) into our Music Academy and have my teaching staff using them as well.

  • There are few actual voice curriculum available, so this one is very welcome. It is well researched with a good variety of age appropriate activities. The kids I teach really enjoy it. It’s a good balance of theory, writing activities & singing. The graduated levels make it easy to supplement pedagogically appropriate materials (or there are supplemental materials on the Full Voice website). Prior to using the Full Voice curriculum, everything I used was hodge-podge – it’s really nice to use this as the core of the lessons.

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