The FULL VOICE Podcast
Sharing pedagogy, business strategies, and best practices for your voice studio.

Our Latest Podcasts
58 | Songs for Young Singers: Interview with Glyn Lehmann
Nikki talks to Australian composer Glyn Lehmann about his modern, pop-infused music for young singers. Children around the world have enjoyed singing his music and he shares his inspiration in composing for young voices. This podcast features clips of his catchy songs from his library of great music.
57 | Freebie Friday: Exploring ONSET with Young Singers
The Freebie Friday download on our website called “Singing Owls” is a kid-friendly vocalise that encourages exploration of vocal onset with our young singers. How can you help your singers find a smooth, balanced onset…Listen to find out.
56 | Inside My Music Staff
The dedicated team from My Music Staff are helping savvy music teachers run their teaching business online. Nikki talks with Dan and Dasa from My Music Staff and discovers how the company got their start five years ago (spoiler alert: Dan's wife is a voice teacher - What!!) and the exciting new features the team…
55 | Vocal Exploration Exercises
Vocal exploration exercises are whole body activities that encourage students to use their voice in fun and creative ways. Often reserved for the youngest singers, vocal exploration exercises can be the first step in helping young singers sing in tune. But did you know, sirens, animal sounds, tongue twisters, and vocal expression lines can help…
54 | Sane Singing: Interview with Brian Lee
Special Guest, Brian Lee discusses his new book, Sane Singing and how challenging it can be for students of all ages to find the vocal training that is right for them. A great check-in for voice teachers who want to support all their singers!
53 | Spooky Vocal Warm-Ups 2
The Halloween Season is here! (And so is our new FREEBIE Friday download!) Using the scary themes from Halloween can be a fun time in the private teaching studio. Singing minor triads and arpeggios or exploring a chromatic scale is far more engaging with a ghostly “Oooo” or “Eeeee”.
52 | Movable DO, Fixed DO, Numbers and Letter Names
Helping young music students to understand the language of music requires a system or method. There are many different systems including movable DO (tonic sol-fa), fixed DO (solfege), numbers and note names. Which one is the best one for you? Which one is the best system for your students?
51 | Breathe, Sing, Move: Interview with Rachel Goldenberg and
Professional Singing Teacher, Rachel Goldenberg, and Physiotherapist, Jessica DeMars are working together with a one of a kind program called Breathe, Sing, Move. This combination of a singing class and physiotherapy session assists patients with mild to moderate respiratory disease increase respiratory muscle strength, improve speech quality, reduce breathlessness and enhance the quality of life.…
50 | Vocalization Tools (Part 2)
There are EVEN MORE vocalization tools. In podcast #50 we revisit some great conversations with previous guests. We close out season two with a preview of what is to come for the third season of the FULL VOICE PODCAST!