We finish the third season of the FULL VOICE Podcast with our friend and business strategist, Michelle Markwart Deveaux. She shares business savvy strategies for looking at and most importantly, understanding your studio numbers. Cash flow sheets, KPI, projecting for next year – Michelle will help you “GET WITH YOUR NUMBERS”.
{Season Four of the FULL VOICE Podcast will debut Friday, August 30th, 2019}
About our Guest
Michelle Markwart Deveaux is a Voice Teacher and business coach with a passion to help other teachers run a business that they love.
Link for SpeakEasy Coop (A Voice Teacher mastermind/co-learning group) www.thespeakeasycoop.com
Link for Michelle’s site www.faithculturekiss.com
Resources mentioned in this podcast:
Profit First by Mike Michalowicz