Elizabeth Rotoff returns to the FULL VOICE podcast to discuss stress resiliency for teachers and their students. From breathing and meditation exercises to growth mindset techniques, Elizabeth offers great teacher strategies in mindfulness on and off the stage.
My Music Staff Minute: Composing professional emails
Links mentioned in our podcast:
Register for NATS Knoxville: www.nats.org/knoxville2020
The Big Life Journal: https://biglifejournal.com/
More about Elizabeth: https://www.thefitsinger.com/
About our Guest:
Elizabeth Rotoff’s singing career has had her perform across Canada and in England in opera, musical theatre and recital. She now focuses her attention on teaching voice. Her current students span ages 5 to 75. In addition to her love of teaching voice, Elizabeth has a strong passion for helping singers optimize their instruments for perfomance in singing as a certified personal trainer and nutrition coach and founder of The Fit Singer. Elizabeth has taken her expertise as voice teacher and health coach to be part of the faculty of Resonanz Opera, a Young Artists’ Program in Ohio, as well as having been a presenter at the NATS National Conference in Chicago. Future speaking engagements include NATS Manitoba Vocal Wellness Day and the Canadian Federation of Music Teachers’ Associations (CFMTA) National Convention. In her spare time she loves to train for triathlons and has found them to help her musical performance immensely.
Listen to Elizabeth on Podcast