There are many ways to introduce a new song to a young student. However, without a slowly paced, careful sequence, even a short, simple melody taught by rote can be a challenge for our young singers. And, teaching by rote is difficult if our students are not engaged. One of our goals in the lesson studio is to gradually move our students from learning by rote to following a score. This takes time and dedication in every lesson or vocal class, but the reward is students who are confident in discovering new music.
Links mentioned in this podcast:
New Music for Young Singers with Donna Rhodenizer
The Curse of Knowledge
Teaching New Languages with Tracey Ford
First, We Sing! 100 Litte Songs and Rhymes (Hal Leonard)
Donna’s New Song “It’s Snowing (Oh, Yes!) ? It’s Snowing, (Oh, No!)
Free Resources for Your Teaching Studio {Freebie Friday Downloads}