Online Small Group Voice Lesson Plan
Here is the step by step for my online small group singing class. I hope this helps you find some inspiration and courage during your transition to online lessons.
DEATH to the 30-minute Music Lesson
Not long ago, it was standard practice to teach short half-hour lessons. Times have changed. Short lessons might not be serving you or your students.
Why Singers Need to Move – By Christin Coffee Rondeau
We all know that clean, crisp movements work best on stage. But they can be intimidating to practice, leading to the bent elbows and small, half-hearted gestures we teachers know and loathe. If we were to develop a studio culture of intentional movement and creative exploration, I wonder: would our students begin to see themselves…
Voice Lessons for SUPER YOUNG Singers! By Christin Coffee Rondeau
"A lesson for a young student looks different from a traditional lesson...with very young musicians the goal is creative play rather than traditional voice study."Music educator and Guest Blogger, Christin Coffee Rondeau shares 10 fun ideas to engage the little (little) singers! (because they are ready for voice lessons!)
5 Reasons Why Your Voice Students are Not Practicing
Practicing is a challenge for all music students. For beginner voice students there are some issues unique to the singing instrument that can be holding them back. Here are five situations that often prevent our students from singing at home. (With easy strategies to help them get to work!)
The ONE Word That Will Make Your Students Sing Better
When instructing our students to make corrections when singing/playing we need to be mindful of the language and wording we are using. More importantly, we need to be watching our students carefully to see if our instruction is actually being understood and implemented. Often an instruction is given and yet nothing changes. Did they hear…
The Beauty of Pen on Paper (How it Helps Students)
I received a beautiful ball point pen from a graduating student this year. I was so excited – I LOVE pens and I haven’t stopped using it! It writes beautifully. It makes a lovely sound on the paper. (Yes! – the sound of pen on paper is more appealing than the sound of my keyboard…
Helping Students “Make Peace” With Their Voice
Vocal teachers hear it all the time. "I hate the sound of my voice". Lately, I answer with "Welcome to the club". (And then I sigh heavily because it is difficult to work with singers who can't stand the sound their voices.) Usually, the student has a truly beautiful voice - a joy to listen to, and yet they hold…