Quick Inspiration for Voice Teachers
The Beauty of Pen on Paper (How it Helps Students)
I received a beautiful ball point pen from a graduating student this year. I was so excited – I LOVE pens and I haven’t stopped using it! It writes beautifully. It makes a lovely sound on the paper. (Yes! – the sound of pen on paper is more appealing than the sound of my keyboard…
Making Sure Your Students Return in the Fall
WILL THEY BE RETURNING IN THE FALL?It is not wise to assume that because a student did really well in their lessons that they will automatically continue in the fall. Kids change. Schedules change. Family finances change. Music Teachers compete with other music teachers – and every other after school program and activity too! Families have so…
Helping Students “Make Peace” With Their Voice
Vocal teachers hear it all the time. "I hate the sound of my voice". Lately, I answer with "Welcome to the club". (And then I sigh heavily because it is difficult to work with singers who can't stand the sound their voices.) Usually, the student has a truly beautiful voice - a joy to listen to, and yet they hold…
Private Voice Teachers: Finding Your “Niche” Market
What is Niche Marketing? Concentrating all marketing efforts on a small but specific and well defined segment of the population. Niches do not 'exist' but are 'created' by identifying needs, wants, and requirements that are being addressed poorly or not at all by other firms, and developing and delivering goods or services to satisfy them. As a strategy, niche marketing is aimed at being a big fish in a small pond instead…
Reclaiming Your Personal Time
Reclaiming your personal time - With texting, e-mail, and social media, students and families can reach you 24/7 and now business activities creep into your personal time. Not to mention the unpaid time necessary to prepare for your students' weekly lessons...
Competitions, Exams, Auditions: When Students Don’t Like the Results
Recitals, competitions and examinations can be great opportunities for our young music students. Competitions and recitals allow singers to perform for an appreciative audience, listen to other performers and receive constructive criticism on which to improve. But what can you do if families are unhappy with the results?